Zombie Dice (2010)

Zombie Dice (2010)

Episode description

Pretend you are a zombie and push you luck as you chase down your next meal. Jessie and Seth are back from a family camping trip and talk about a silly little dice game called “Zombie Dice”. This game is perfect to travel with and easy to pick up and play. This week Seth and Jessie come up with a new system of rating, the perfectly balanced SIX star system. Pretend you are a zombie and push youe luck as you chase down your next meal. Jessie and Seth are back from a family camping trip and talk about a silly little dice game called “Zombie Dice”. This game is perfect to travel with and easy to pick up and play. This week Seth and Jessie come up with a new system of rating, the perfectly balanced SIX star system. Zombie Dice on Board Game Geek: https://boardgamegeek.com/boardgame/62871/zombie-dice

No transcript available for this episode.